Għaliex jagħżel magħna għal fibra tal-karbonju flus clip?

Normali Clip karbonju Fiber Flus

Carbon fiber money clips are now widely used in business gifts more and more,there are some different style of them on the current market.The most of common one is twill matte and twill glossy pattern in black  with slim shape just as the picture shows below.


3K-karbonju-flus clip1
3K-karbonju-flus clip50

Karbonju Fiber Flus Clip Bil Kulur ħarir

Bu the another carbon money clips with color silk  are more popular on many countries,they are more bright-coloured and fashionable.
Għalhekk, dawn qed isiru l-prodott bejgħ sħun fil-post tan-nuqqas ta ħarir one.Let check dehra attraenti tagħhom:

-Karbonju-flus clip ma mlewna-silk99
-Karbonju-flus clip ma mlewna-silk31
-Karbonju-flus clip ma mlewna-silk35
-Karbonju-flus clip ma mlewna-silk27
-Karbonju-flus clip ma mlewna-silk39
-Karbonju-flus clip ma mlewna-silk23

Dawn klipps tal-flus beaultiful huma fl-istokk minna, u l-logo u l-kampjun huma avoilable. If you're interested in them,don't forget to click below buttom for inquiry:

Post time: May-21-2018

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